Don't miss these upcoming events
Encountering the Father's Love schools are running again this year. These schools provide life-changing revelations of the Father's love and heart for His people.
​The school will take place over two weekends:
Part 1: September 19th - 21st
Part 2: Nov 14th - 16th
For more information please visit: https://encounteringthefatherslove.org/
Over some years we have developed the Encounter Weekends to minister healing and freedom to hearts and provide an atmosphere where people can encounter God’s love and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Subjects covered include: Encounter Weekend A – forgiveness, judgements, hearts of stone, inner vows and ungodly beliefs Encounter Weekend B – the perfect Father, shame to honour, the orphan heart and sonship We are convinced that these weekends will make a difference to your life!